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Writer's pictureNorfolk Nooks

Hounds at Home... Sea Palling Beach

Are you bringing your Best Friend(s) with you? Nice one.

There are many dog-friendly places here and we'll be listing some of our favourites over the coming weeks.

Sea Palling Beach - Out of season your canine can take you all over it. During the season, he'll get to exercise you in the right hand side of the beach as you come over the slipway. This beach is only a couple of miles from Tail End but if you are staying at Dune Roamin', it's basically a trip out of the front door, and it's beautiful throughout the year. Be aware that there can be seals in the water, and the odd adder in the dunes when the weather gets balmy. Adders are shy and will leave if they hear you so make a fuss and keep your friend on a lead and make noise. Seals less so, so don't let your friend interfere with them.

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